Cleansing and Renewal: Purifying Your Energy with Water Element Practices

A photo of blue drops water which is one of the 4 elements of life that play a major role in our spiritual healing

Cleansing and renewal. Start over new

Spiritual  Healing is an art and working with the 4 elements can be a very profound practice. Let’s dive deep and   explore the water energy and its incredible healing power. 

What is your personal relationship to water? Take a moment and think about your favorite way of connection to this fluid love perfection. How do you flow? Like a river, like an ocean? Are you more like a lake or a wild mountain river? What is your favorite body of water? Are you more a beach person or do you love a beautiful cooling mountain lake?

Do you like to stay hydrated and always carry a bottle of water or do you forget to drink your glasses of water?

Do you like to take long showers, is taking a bath your favorite way to unwind? How do you connect to the Water spirit in your life? What are your favorite ways to get into that flow?

For me is my cup of tea, my long hot shower. I love the rain, I love any flowing river and the sea. I like all water and as cold as it may be, I always take my shoes off and get in. If I can’t go for a full swim , I still need some part of me to connect to the water. I am a little fish. How about you?

As a child , did you like to play at the seaside? Do you still do?

Most of us are deeply in love with the Water Goddess and we can meditate and feel so loved and peaceful by the seaside. People who are already connected to their spirit, will naturally be drawn to the elements and their healing loving protection.

Water energy meditation

Let’s start this conversation with a short meditation with your favorite body of water. Whatever it is for you, a waterfall, a small lake , an ocean,  let yourself go into this blue wonder and imagine you are there and you feel the healing and the love flowing to you. You can put on some music and just talk to the Water Goddess and feel the purifying, renewing, deeply loving energy surrounding you from all sides. From left to right, from front to back and up and down you are fully immersed in this blue love. The Angels of water are with you.

Imagine the deep healing waters of your soul washing over you. Your whole life washed clean by the waves of light and love. You are clear, powerful and you flow with great ease. You are a river of love.

A meditation where you connect to the water element can be deeply healing and transformative. Try doing this for a while and see your life flow in a new beautiful way. Water heals, it clears away the old and brings in new waves of love and light.

The Water Goddess

 Building a relationship with the benevolent spirits of water will greatly improve your whole life. It’s hard to put into words but I am sure you feel a deep resonance when you hear about the  4 elemental  spirits. The earth, air, fire and water angels. The way the elements express themselves in our reality, the driving forces and loving energy in motion is really hard to grasp with our human perspective but cultures from all ages have recognized their presence and gave them different names. You can talk with the water Goddess yourself. When you’re by the seaside, talk to the sea. Ask questions, wait for answers.  Whatever way you feel inspired to connect with the water element, that is your magic. That is the right way for you. 

Whenever you pass by a river or lake, say hello. Every body of water has its guardian Every tree and every flower too. Connecting deeply to nature and being in an open heart conversation with the world around you will make you happy.

We’re not used to this. It seems weird to talk to a river. Why? It’s the most beautiful thing you can do. Working at a job that drains you is weird, connecting to nature in a meaningful way like all our ancestors did isn’t.

This has always been true, and masters from all times  have always deeply honored the spirit of all things. Now it’s your turn. 

We’re only sad cause we’re disconnected from this  love. Notice how you feel reading about the water Spirits , it makes you happy doesn’t it. It’s a returning to the knowledge that has always been inside you, and you embodying this sacred knowing, that will be your healing, that will be your happiness. 

Talk to the Goddess , ask for help, ask for answers to your questions. You need not be alone when you have all this love surrounding you. You are truly surrounded by Angels. Close your eyes and try to feel that love and light around you. Notice how it appears to you. If you don’t perceive anything yet. Give it some time. I promise you will feel connected soon enough. You will have your moment. Once you ask for a love sign, it’s always given. You are this loved. 

Healing water rituals 

We are naturally inspired to connect daily to the loving Water Spirits. What are your favorite daily rituals?

Having a cup of tea is one way. Putting healing herbs in a warm cup of holy water and taking small sips.

Having a shower. What a clearing ritual!

Also saying a blessing over your glass of water. I sometimes bless my bottle of water by holding my hands on it and saying a prayer and asking for love to fill my bottle so that I can feel loved and healed when I drink it. 

And if any of your nearby church offers holy water, have some in a little bottle and use it to bless your house, your things, your crystals, yourself, your cat :). No matter the religion,  it’s water that has been prayed upon and it’s powerful and loving. I usually love to have some with me , especially when I travel. Put a little on your  forehead or the top of your head or a few drops at the wrists if you feel tired or overwhelmed. If you travel and you are sleeping somewhere new, say a prayer, ask for loving Angels to be with you and fill the room with love and light and throw a few drops of  holy water in the hotel room and on your bed. You’ll sleep better.

Walking in the rain. Sky kisses all over you. If you can and you’re close to home, take a walk in the rain, go outside and let it wash all your negative energy away. You will feel amazing. Don’t get soaked and catch a cold, be reasonable, but if you can, having a small walk in the rain can cure many things. 

As humans we have many pains and aches, and it can only be cured by divine forces. Water spirits are part of that. However you feel drawn to connect, take time during your day and honor the elemental forces, follow this path and you will find yourself deeply immersed in magic and beauty.

Say hello to the sea, to the water in your bottle. Say thank you after a shower and thank the water gods for the rain at your window. It’s all for you. The whole Universe is all about you and you are at the center of it all. You are deeply loved and taken cared of. Enjoy your glass of water. Enjoy your life.

Much Love



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