Category Archives: Spirituality

articles about spirituality, nature, the soul, mysticism, emotional healing.  The journey of enlightenment and finding peace and love in the world.

Hanuman – The Monkey God of Devotion and Courage

lord hanuman monkey god shiva deity

Divine Courage

Hanuman is you and you are in your own way a divine being of great devotion and courage. His story is my story as well. I am sure in your own way you have shown a lot of love and incredible power in the face of darkness and connecting to Hanuman and his energy will help you grow even stronger on this path of truth that you are walking daily.

He’s an extraordinary being but so are you. The Gods are mirrors and their super human deeds are a reflection of our own latent energy that waits to be awaken.

His legend is as much yours. This is a metaphor for a great awakening and you are part of it. 

Let’s talk about his bravery and complete surrender to his beloved Rama. I am melting every time I read his absolute trust and selflessness. He just didn’t care one bit about what would happen to him, his life didn’t matter, just Rama and serving his beloved God. His devotion gave him strength to rescue Sita. And the lesson here is that complete surrender to a force greater than you is the only way to achieve true greatness.

The only way to become strong in your light and transform the negative into love is by serving a cause higher than yourself. Forgetting about oneself is paradoxically the only way to gain the power we all want to change our lives to good.

Lord Hanuman is your helper if you need to overcome some great obstacle in your life. His strength and courage is unmatched. Whatever you are trying to let go of, he’s here to help.

I want you to see yourself in him. As I tell you his story of bravery, I want you to think of all the ways in which you have been brave. How have you been fighting the darkness in your life.

These aren’t just legends written to entertain … these are stories about our inner worlds and archetypes. This story is our story too.

hanuman monkey god reaching for the sun as a child

The story of  Lord Hanuman

He was born as the son of Anjana, a celestial being and Vayu, the wind God. Having been born from divine beings, he was surely destined for greatness. 

 Legend has it that as a child he was hungry, and confusing the Sun with a ripe mango , he flew towards it  wanting to take a bite. Indra, the warrior monarch of the sky saw this far too daring child and  he threw a thunderbolt at him. Hanuman fell to the ground hurtling and he broke his chin.

Vayu, his father, took Hanuman to a cave to shelter him as he was healing. But as Vayu, the wind God was gone , the air was gone as well and now humans were becoming  asphyxiated and couldn’t breathe. In order to appease the wind God and draw him out of hiding, the devas asked Brahma, the ultimate creator to heal Hanuman’s wounds, which he did.

In addition he was also blessed by the Gods with many gifts , new super powers and blessings. But his jaw remained swollen, as a reminder of his flight towards the sun. Hanuman’s name comes from the Sanskrit words  Hanu “jaw” and man which means prominent or disfigured. So his name is a reminder of his daring leap towards the Sun .


If this isn’t a metaphor for the dark night of the soul : reaching for the light and being thrown back down to the earth. The cave metaphor and the lack of air and life that came as a consequence, as the hero was healing his wounds. 

The awakening process includes these stages. The first step is seeing the sun and wanting to take a bite, and then the Gods will throw you right back into your old life and the shedding stage, the ego death process begins. You go into your inner cave and do your transformation and healing while on the outside, your old life dies.

Of course the hero is healed and blessed with many gifts once he comes out of the cave. And life comes back to earth and life starts again. Hanuman swollen chin is a reminder of his journey and what he as endured. He is not the same but he wears his wounds with grace and wisdom.

You are a monkey God, on a hero journey, check your chin? Is it swollen a little? Has the God Indra thrown a thunder at you as you were reaching for the Sun?

If so, don’t be sad, you’ll just heal your wounds deep into a safe dark cave for a while, the Wind God will be your helper and then you’ll come back and fight all the demons and be a brave solider of truth and love. Remember your power, remember your courage and stand tall, cause you too were born for greatness. 

hanuman carries the mountain with the healing herb medicine

After he emerged from the cave and having new super powers given to him by the Gods, he does something that is also relevant for the awakening journey. He uses his powers recklessly, without any wisdom. He is a playful monkey after all and lacks the maturity to use his gifts for good. So instead, he messes with the wrong guy and gets himself in trouble.

A sage in a forest, immersed in prayers and rituals for the Gods, Hanuman messes with his altars and he keeps doing all sorts of shenanigans and in return the sage puts a mild curse on him: that the Monkey God forgets his gifts until he is wise enough to use them. He will have to be reminded of his God like powers at the right time and not a moment before that.

This is an unavoidable moment on the journey of the soul. Once you have seen the light and discovered some of your own strength, your monkey ego will make a mess. That is why it is important that you go trough a humbling stage of learning, where you don’t become some great spiritual leader right of the bat. We have too many examples of that going wrong.

True power requires a lot of wisdom that is gained in small confining spaces where no one knows your name or your true gifts, maybe not even yourself. And when you’re truly able to contain your greatness without doing harm to yourself or to others, then you can remember your power and use it in the world to help bring peace and beauty in the highest way you can.

Hanuman will remember his power at the right time. He becomes a disciple of Rama, and he sets on a quest to help rescue Sita who is Rama’s beloved. She has been kidnaped by an evil king and held captive on a island. Hanuman feels helpless at the beginning of the journey.

He has to cross the sea to get to the island but he forgot he can fly. In his great love for Rama and his true desire to help him , he sits by the sea and wishes he would be able to overcome the obstacles in his way, in the name of love. And now he remembers, and he gets all his powers back and helps Rama defeat the bad king  and the him and Sita are reunited once again.

statue of Hanuman in meditation prayer

Hanuman was a great helper of the two lovers. Rama and Sita embody the twin flame energy and the monkey God is like the energy that helps bring them together. He’s the active force needed for harmony to be restored.

If you look at the whole story from the beginning and the archetypes. We have the two lovers thorn apart by an evil king and the only one that can help bring them together is the ultimate hero. The one who went trough the journey of awakening , dying, being reborn, forgetting, remembering and then acting with full force against evil forces and being victorious.

This is what we all need to do. In the quest for true harmony and uniting our polarities. We need to awaken the hero within. The brave inner monkey that thinks the sun is just a delicious fruit to be eaten. Imagine the audacity of such a being. And then going from immature reckless child to a true soldier of love and light.

A complete journey of the soul that inspired so many truth seekers trough the years. And now , I am also in awe of the Monkey God and everything I feel as I write this. You feel it too don’t you? The Monkey in you coming alive and who knows where it may take you. Where ever you go, I hope you will always stay brave and crazy.


May Hanuman bless your path with his presence.

I wish you joy!

Much love 



Spiritual Quotes about the Dark Night of The Soul

spiritual quote by john of the cross

Spiritual quotes are encouragement from divine masters who have expressed their love and wisdom trying to help everyone who walks the same path they did. You are brave to even be remotely interested in such  wild things. What are you even doing here :). Anyways here’s some love from brave fools like you. These are some of my favorite quotes from my favorite teachers that have been helping me immensely on my own spiritual journey. Hope you find some light as well.


“You have to be an original individual; you have to find your innermost core on your own, with no guide, no guiding scriptures. It is a dark night, but with the intense fire of inquiry you are bound to come to the sunrise. Everybody who has burned with intense inquiry has found the sunrise. Others only believe. Those who believe are not religious, they are simply avoiding the great adventure of religion by believing.” ~ Rajneesh


The dark night of the soul is when you have lost the flavor of life but have not yet gained the fullness of divinity. So it is that we must weather that dark time, the period of transformation when what is familiar has been taken away and the new richness is not yet ours. ~ Ram Dass


spiritual quote by carl jung
“There is no coming to consciousness without pain. People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own Soul. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” ~ Carl Jung


In the dark night of the soul, bright flows the river of God.” ~ John of the Cross


“The dark night of the soul is a journey into light, a journey from your darkness into the strength and hidden resources of your soul.” ~ Caroline Myss


“Being human is a complicated gig. So give that ol’ dark night of the soul a hug. Howl the eternal yes!”
~ Friedrich Nietzsche
 spiritual quote about the dark night of the soul by flannery o connor
“The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally. A higher paradox confounds emotion as well as reason and there are long periods in the lives of all of us, and of the saints, when the truth as revealed by faith is hideous, emotionally disturbing, downright repulsive. Witness the dark night of the soul in individual saints. Right now the whole world seems to be going through a dark night of the soul.” ~ Flannery O’Connor
“A Prayer
Refuse to fall down
If you cannot refuse to fall down,
refuse to stay down.
If you cannot refuse to stay down,
lift your heart toward heaven,
and like a hungry beggar,
ask that it be filled.
You may be pushed down.
You may be kept from rising.
But no one can keep you from lifting your heart
toward heaven
only you.
It is in the middle of misery
that so much becomes clear.
The one who says nothing good
came of this,
is not yet listening.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Quan Yin The Goddess of Compassion – Divine Feminine Enlightenment

Quan Yin, also spelled Guanyin or Kuan Yin, is a bodhisattva in East Asian Buddhism, particularly revered in Chinese Buddhism. A beautiful painting of the goddess

Perfect Love

Quan Yin, also spelled Guanyin or Kuan Yin, is a bodhisattva in East Asian Buddhism, particularly revered in Chinese Buddhism. She is considered to be the Goddess of compassion and mercy. So if you need some compassion for yourself or those you care about, invoking her name, will help you immensely on your journey towards happiness and peace.

In Sanskrit, her name is Padma-pâni, which means “Born of the Lotus” She is seen often depicted with a lotus flower. That is important, cause if you connect to her energy, you may start seeing lotus flower signs appearing around you, as a confirmation that she is there with you.

Lotus flower of course is viewed as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment and connecting deeply to this powerful imagery, might bring more light into your life. Flowers always do, but this is mystical and goes so deep, you’ll find yourself feeling the light shine so brightly in your heart. You feel the energy already in you as you read, you don’t just land on this type of message without being ready and open to receive.

Guanyin is short for Guanshiyin, which means “The One Who Perceives the Sounds of the World, referring to the fact that she hears everyone who is asking for her help and guidance. Imagine being this in love with everyone on the planet.

She is the supreme Goddess, viewed as the female version of Avalokiteśvara, a bodhisattva who embodies the compassion of all the Buddhas. He’s the one looking over every being with great love and will be here until every single soul has also reached enlightenment.

So this is high energy, spiritual awakening, heart breaking open love flowing towards you. What does enlightenment mean to you ? How do you see yourself on this path? Connecting to these ideas and Gods, opens you up to the energy more and more. This isn’t just an article, it’s love in motion. How do you feel now? Close your eyes and feel your energy.

What do you bring to this light filled space? What do you need healing from? What is your question? Let the Goddess help you find your answers and soothe your loving heart. If you are here, I am sure you are on a brink of a beautiful change and your life will start new. I wish you great peace and joy as you walk you sacred path.

Quan Yin is You

She is the embodiment of all things good and we really are the same as her but we’re on a path of remembering that. Are you a goddess of compassion and ultimate perfect devotion. Think about it, don’t just be quick to say no…ponder all the ways in which you do embody perfect love and kindness, those sweet and short moments where you let love guide you. Even as a man, you have the divine feminine within you as active as all women, we are all both divinely masculine and feminine. So are you the expression of Quan Yin love here on Earth? Are you on the way of becoming even closer to her love and ever joyful spirit?

Open my Heart

Let’s spend a few moments here together, dear friend. Looking at her image and receiving all her love, melting in this pure energy of healing that flows. Find a quiet space and listen to some beautiful music, light a candle and just meditate for a few minutes in the love that Quan Yin brings. It’s never ending, forgiving everything, purifying like a sweet water that flows over you. You are well, you are loved.

May the Gods be with you always!

I found a beautiful  playlist dedicated to the Goddess Kuan Yin, I am listening to it as I write now. It melts my heart. It’s really wonderful. Hope it brings you peace and serenity. Lotus flowers all around you.

Please send me a message if you see lotus flowers appearing in your day in any meaningful way.

I wish you great compassion and may all your heart’s desires become true.

Much love!





9 of Wands Love Reading – A new beginning

9 of wands toth tarot

A new chapter

9 of wands

9 of wands love reading is a tough but beautiful answer to receive. Get yourself some tea and let’s talk about how magical the place you are in is. Be brave and proud, light is coming in to heal you, open up and feel the love of Angels all around you, you’ve been fighting off some demons and now it’s time to rest, catch a breath and move on to the next chapter, maybe peaceful maybe more feisty, that’s up to you. What are you in the mood for? You want calm and sweetness or do you want to explore more contrast and heal even deeper wounds?

You are receiving more clarity as you stand here. It’s a good place to look for signs, guidance, maybe talking to someone about it, journaling to make sure that the next step you take will lead you to a greater space of healing and new beginnings.

Focus on yourself and your own heart, don’t wait for someone else to help you heal, start your healing journey and take good care of your energy and whoever will be divinely inspired to help you on the path will do so. Trust the divine forces to assist you while you get back into balance.

9 of wands tarot modern way deck. love
Modern Way Tarot Deck

Don’t look back in anger

It was good for you, it made you kinder and softer and more generous. Maybe forgiveness is not on the menu today, maybe that’s too much for you now. But what you really regret here is that you let yourself go. Being so focused on someone else and wanting to take care of the relationship, you got distracted from your truths, from your needs, from your inspiration.

You put your heart aside , hoping that it will all pay off in the end. It doesn’t work like that, you can’t hope that someone else will save you from your darkness, they are dealing with their own.
We each all have to take care of our own struggles, as hard as it may sound, you can do this.

You are disappointed but not truly by the other person, you saw yourself becoming a version of yourself that you are not very proud of. Do things that make you feel proud again, do things that make you feel alive and happy.
Get some discipline going , move your body and resurrect all that joy for life that you have in you.

If you truly shine and you’re good with yourself, you will naturally attract love and good things and the situation from your past that makes you sad today will just be  your moment of change, your motivation that made you stronger and wiser and a good person.

Try invoking the goddess of compassion Quan Yin to assist you on your healing journey. You need a higher power to guide you. We’re never by ourselves on our healing journey. Connect to the Divine Feminine to gain strength and clarity. Ask any Goddess that you feel close to, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Brigit for help and light. Pray a lot and meditate and you will feel better and get stronger by the day.

I wrote an article about Kuan Yin that is all about the healing and light she brings when you most need it. Scroll down and it will be there.


Quan Yin, also spelled Guanyin or Kuan Yin, is a bodhisattva in East Asian Buddhism, particularly revered in Chinese Buddhism. A beautiful painting of the goddess

Here’s to new beginnings! Go for a walk, look at nature outside and you will receive some new inspiration about this, I promise. Have faith, you deserve to be loved and to love. May all the angels walk with you as grow and become new.

Much Love!



Spiritual Quotes from Carlos Castaneda- Inspiration on your Journey to Awakening

spiirtual quotes by carlos castaneda. a desert landscape and text that say a path with heart

A path with heart

Spiritual quotes  from Carlos Castaneda’s books, inspired by his time spend as an apprentice to Don Juan, a yaqui Indian and great enlightened teacher. I recommend any of his works.  The first book of the 12 is The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge  and get ready to have your reality altered. If you’re open, I promise , the energy of the books will change you and give you powerful clarity.

Beyond the actual words and teachings, the books shine a lot of light and a deep subtle knowledge that will raise your awareness to new heights. In the meantime, here are some of my favorite quotes from Don Juan. How do they make you feel? Notice the swirls of energy that are flowing to you as you read. It’s magic.

For me books are alive and the message is vibrant and moving me as I read. Go deep into the words and find yourself as the great shaman that you have always been.

times magazine cover in 1973 featurning a carlos castaneda interiew about his books about don juan teachings .

Spiritual quotes from the Teachings of Don Juan

“You have everything needed for the extravagant journey that is your life.”


“We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same”


“A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others, in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you . . . Look at every path closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then ask yourself alone, one question . . . Does this path have a heart? If it does, the path is good; if it doesn’t it is of no use.”


“If one is to succeed in anything, the success must come gently, with a great deal of effort but with no stress or obsession.”


carlos castaneda and don juan would take long trips of initiation in the desert of new


“A man goes to knowledge as he goes to war, wide awake, with fear, with respect, and with absolute assurance.”


“Life in itself is sufficient, self-explanatory and complete.”


“The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge while an ordinary man takes everything as a blessing or a curse.”


“Death is the only wise advisor that we have. Whenever you feel, as you always do, that everything is going wrong and you’re about to be annihilated, turn to your death and ask if that is so. Your death will tell you that you’re wrong; that nothing really matters outside its touch. Your death will tell you, ‘I haven’t touched you yet.


We are luminous beings. We are perceivers. We are an awareness; we are not objects; we have no solidity. We are boundless. The world of objects and solidity is a way of making our passage on earth convenient. It is only a description that was created to help us. We, or rather our reason, forget that the description is only a description and thus we entrap the totality of ourselves in a vicious circle from which we rarely emerge in our lifetime.”


“You take yourself too seriously, ” he said slowly. “You are too damn important in your own mind. That must be changed! You are so goddamn important that you feel justified to be annoyed with everything. You’re so damn important that you can afford to leave if things don’t go your way. I suppose you think that shows you have character. That’s nonsense! You’re weak, and conceited!”


“Think about it: what weakens us is feeling offended by the deeds and misdeeds of our fellow men. Our self-importance requires that we spend most of our lives offended by someone.”


“The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.”



spiritual quotes by carlos castaneda, book cover of one of his books a separate reality

journey to ixtaland cover book by carlos castaneda

Spiritual Awakening Process and Meditation

Supreme Lord Buddha in a deep state of pure love emanating light and bringing joy to the whole world

Spiritual awakening process…there’s no dignity to it. You will feel so silly and always under the waves. It’s the most humbling you will ever feel again and again, it destroys all your ego spells you may be under and you’ll be nothing but clumsy, silly, and you’ll be feeling very  lost  and not like your old self while you embark on your spiritual wake journey. Sure the end result is great wisdom and you will have great big moments of clear but it’s so mixed up with moments of utter confusion that it’s best you don’t let that hard earned wisdom get to your head. It takes about 10 years for the light to settle in, for a spiritual seeker to gain some spiritual maturity and for them to start feeling more comfortable in this whirlwind of great energy.

So meditation helps with that, immensely. You will still struggle and you will make so many mistakes, but having quiet time everyday makes it somehow less sad. That’s it. That why you meditate, to make yourself less sad while you go trough seriously sad things. 

You will be gasping for air while you go trough the dark night of the soul and having a solid spiritual practice is a way to breathe. Thing is that while you’re on fire and goring trough hard things, you won’t really want to do high level practices. You can’t have a two hour meditation session every day while your whole life is upside down. You will want to focus on making that life better, doing things to fix it. That’s the paradox, you can’t. The more you will do the more it will fall apart and it will break your heart in pieces again and again. This is when the only thing , THE ONLY THING that will make you feel better will be sitting in a quiet space for a while by yourself while your mind settles and your heart opens and you feel the light. A nature walk o a dance session, spending time getting lost in something bigger than you is the best medicine for all your troubles.

You become a stranger in your own life and the only thing that makes sense is that incredible beauty that woke you up a while ago and keeps shinning trough all the mess. And there’s hope that when the clouds clear, and they will , you will be left with this beauty of yours and you will be free and peaceful within your own little world and life will feel kind and sweet.

So if you feel that you are waking up , that it has already began for you. I suggest that instead of trying to compensate for everything that is going wrong, you meditate, a lot, way more than you already are. You have to let your old life go, all things that truly matter to you will remain but you are changing and becoming new and you need clarity and light to take you there. So please, take good care of your energy by doing things that make you feel good. Anything that wakes up your spirit in you, do more of that and less of the things that don’t. 

You don’t need to drop everything at once, don’t quit your job ….yet. But slowly and gently do more of what you truly love to do. The arts….what is your favorite form of making pretty things? Do you love to cook, do you love nature, do you love music? So many things can be a meditation and a way to go deeper within your spirit. And you need at least 5 a day. 5 different way to dwell in your inspiration.

It can be a session of light exercise,  making a drawing, doing a ritual of clearing the house, a purifying bath , reading something deeply spiritual, chanting a mantra, an actual meditation. I like to sing and moving my body is super important to me. I cannot go without a serious qi gong practice everyday. I need it to function.
If I don’t do these things, I get stuck,  things around don’t flow like they usually do. I am less inclined to like things, I am more moody and anxious. I get upset more easily. If I don’t nurture my connection to spirit, my life is less beautiful. 

That’s why having a meditation practice matters. It’s your way back home. It’s who you really are. Those glimpses of light, that’s you and why wouldn’t you want to get back to that perfect light again and again. Walk the path with grace. Keep your head up. You are beyond extraordinary and your beauty shines trough all you do every day. I see you and trust me , you will be happy and wise. Dare to awaken and become your highest , sweetest, funniest , kindest version of yourself.

Lots of love!

Big hug!


Emotionally tired in a relationship – Why being in hard places is a good thing

a bunny who seems very loving and kind evoking happiness and harmony . he seems in love and happy to see you

Why is it a good thing?

Feeling emotionally tired in a relationship is just the beginning of a new way to be in the world. That’s my experience and let me tell you more about it. I learned so much by being around difficult people. Toxic relationship I kept trying to remove myself from have been my greatest source of healing and wisdom. It’s ridiculously hard, almost to the point of exhaustion and you feel so sad and angry that you think there is no way this could be your path. That is not for you to decide, only your spirit knows what is best for your enlightenment journey.

You’ve heard this before but let me make it personal. You are not doing anything wrong, it’s all crash course where you will learn what you truly want to know. You have a question within you, a burning quest. Be honest, what do you actually want in this life…truth or peace?  You want to just be comfy and have an easy stroll trough life or do you actually want to burn with great passion and uncover incredible truths about yourself and your universe ? You always wanted to know things. Well here you are in the perfect place to study life.

We do not have the clarity but if we would be super wise we would realize that each heart connection has a main theme and many sub themes. You are exploring a pattern, a way of living and you are doing amazing. Now this isn’t suppose to be torture but we’re just not used to access the right tools that would make the exploration easier.

Have Faith

Be open to the inspiration that naturally will find you when you are dealing with darkness. That’s the part that is rarely acknowledged, that being in difficult places leads to great moments of clarity. Wisdom permeates your daily chaos and as time passes, you lose power, you lose comfort, you lose many many things in the fire but you gain answers to your truest questions.

Why am I here ? What is my path? What is healing? What is true power ? As you go along, these questions become alive in you and your whole life is now the answer. You walk your path, live your day and you add to the knowledge and I am sure anyone can confirm that struggle equals wisdom.

Be honest, do you crave knowledge? Have you always been a curious kid always looking to understand how things work? Well this is your open book. It doesn’t feel this way when you are burning in the whole spectrum of your emotions, but in the short times when it cools down, you sure feel clear, you sure feel like you are connected to something bigger than your life. Whatever is experienced and its whole intensity, I am sure you have moments of detachment where it feels like it’s a play that you just can’t look away from.

You’ve got this!

What is the solution? There is none.

Why do you even want one? Why not go as deep as you can into all this madness?

Because it’s painful? You’re stronger than that. Go on…find your light in all this darkness. We all need your light and that way in which only you can love.

May all the Angels be close to you when you feel you need them most. Close your eyes and feel the love flowing all around you. Your love is the greatest power. You are the most wonderful curious child, go and fight your dragons and win this.

Much love!



Crystal Cleanse – Understanding the Benefits of Cleansing Crystals

a photo of many colorful crystals that may be ready for a crystal cleanse

Crystals are a girl’s best friend

A crystal cleanse is a sweet and gentle ritual that will bring you closer to their power and light. Crystals bring so much beauty , protection and healing. And just by looking at them you feel happy. Holding one in your hand will make you feel better and a meditation with your favorite crystal is good for you.

They are so loving that they take on the negative energy around us so,  just like us , they need a purifying and a good recharge.  Normally they would be in the ground and have no issue being in perfect sync with the highest energy but because they are doing us a favor and being with us here, in our busy cities and having to witness all our drama, they need some sunshine, they need some rain, they need a good cleanse. It’s important that you do that once in a while, so that you get the maximum love from your colorful sparkly friends.

Crystal Therapy  includes the energy clearing process and doing it often and with great love will open you up to their energy.  I think a crystal energy clearing it’s just a moment of you acknowledging their power and love . I don’t think they really need a cleanse, but we do need to connect to them and this magic often enough. So doing a purifying ritual over them, actually purifies our own energy. So I don’t know who’s clearing who.

For me something really opened up when  I realized you don’t just have them laying around looking pretty, but you need to develop a relationship with your crystals. Clearing them, is you interreacting and saying hello to your crystals and every time you do, your relationship with them grows stronger. They are conscious and alive, not in the same way we are, it’s a different paradigm, yet here we are together and there’s love flowing.


crystals, colorful semiprecious stones of different shapes

How to do your beautiful crystal cleanse

There are so many ways and I am sure you have your favorite. I like to leave them for an hour in the sunshine, if it rains I put them outside in the rain, preferably on the ground.( But please be mindful and so some research , cause not all crystals do well with water. Selenite for example, is water soluble).

Burning incense over them, a few drops of holy water, a prayer , a thank you. You can imagine all the negative energy being swooshed away by Sweet Loving Angels.

Ask the divine Mother to bless your powerful loving crystals and charge them up with love and light.

Also you can always ask the Moon to  shine its love over them while you leave them by the window at night time. There are many rituals for every phase of the moon.

You can sing them a little song of appreciation. Tell your crystals how much you are grateful for all the healing and love they bring into your life. These little gems are like your little guardian angels.  They help protect you and keep you safe and grounded.

The more you appreciate them and open up to their energy, the more you talk and connect to your crystals , the more this energy of protection and healing will grow and you will able to access deeper layers of stone magic.

You are surrounded by grace, crystals are just another beautiful  reminder of that. I am so in love with them and always have one with me. It’s one of my anchors into the divine energy that surrounds me. Even though I am not always aware of their protection, I always feel better when I have them with me. I am holding a crystal in my hand right now 🙂

Lots of love. Hope you heal something really important for you in the next couple of months. Let the crystals help you with that.

Big hug!




Sacred Mantras – The healing power of chanting

a hand mudra from a tibetan monastery where they chant mantras

Mantras are truth

They are holy words or sentences that were chanted trough the ages by divine seekers. They are infused with great love and light and I am here to tell you that what your life needs right now is more chanting <3

If you’ve been on the spiritual path for a while , I am sure you can feel the the power of words, how one simple structure of letters carries so much information. What I love about mantras is that they are made of a perfect string of beautiful, healing words that  you repeat  over and over again.  It’s a holy beautiful invitation into your own heart and it brings peace and ignites the fire of devotion every time you enter this sacred space of music and perfect loving words.

There are no exact translations of any mantra, just many poetic interpretations of it’s multilayered wisdom. Which I think is beautiful. It means it cannot be understood with the mind. In order to fully understand its meaning, you have to fall deep in the energy behind the words.

Whatever blissful state  the mantras were born from, many many years ago, you, now, in the presence of this mantra, might as well follow the same path back into that bliss. It’s like a yellow brick road that opens, and every time you speak the mantra, you take a step. The journey is long but never underestimate the power of a single step. A step you walk in the good direction, a step you walk towards the light is everything.

A japa is a repetition of  a  divine name or a  mantra.  It can be done in a meditative state or during your daily activities. The sacred number of repetition is 108 times.  It’s believed we have 108 nadis or vital points in our body and every mantra repetition activates one of these points.

a holy statue of a serene happy buddha in meditation and a string of 108 beads that are used for mantra japa

Benefits of chanting mantras

Calms your mind and connects you to the light in you. Everything will feel better after 108 repetitions of a mantra.

Your mind feels more clear and you feel more grounded. Whatever you are dealing with in your day, whatever question you may have, reciting a mantra will help you get clarity and energy to bring healing and peace.

For me it’s like you are building a sacred space all around you and every repetition is a piece of that,  like creating a light globe enveloping your whole life and it’s made of 108 parts. Every time you say the mantra, one piece lights up and by the end of it you are fully immersed into light.

A mantra is like sacred invisible geometry. You take a perfect holy verse and it will heal you only if you say it once. It’s so powerful and filled with light. If you could only see the light that shines in you when you speak it. And then you get to say again and again and it has a deeply profound healing and transformative effect on your whole being. You will never be the same again.

We tend to not be fully aware of the power of things. Now we have access to everything all the time and we can just have a mantra in the background on our yoga practice. But these mantras have immense light and were chanted in temples by masters and their disciples for hundreds of years.

Every time someone chants the mantra, I think it adds to its power and light, and now you are part of that. It was chanted in temples by Enlighted masters and now you get to sing it in your living room. Now it’s your turn to add to this light.

I can’t really put it into words cause I really feel so much energy around it but mantras have such great power. They are perfect words, a string of divinely inspired, carefully chosen words. The master who wrote it, did so after years and years of devotion and  he channeled this grace into the world and now it’s ours to keep and speak.

You probably won’t feel the magic right away, or maybe you will. But I do feel it’s so important on our spiritual practice to spend time listening and most importantly singing mantras. They are truth, they are love and it will heal your heart in so many ways. The more you sing, the better you will feel. Find your favorite mantras, they are so many, but you will naturally be drawn to a mantra and you can sing it in times of need and calm your soul.

When you feel overwhelmed do a little chant and let the light flow and bring you back to clarity. 10 minutes of chanting will make a really big difference. It’s one of the best things you can do for energy balance and gaining new insights for whatever question you may have in the moment. Ask a question. do a mantra and see if you notice a new light shining trough.

Try it. Here’s a good place to start, with one of my favorite mantras dedicated to  Ganesha , the God of new beginnings, of great wisdom and luck, it’s a mantra for removing of obstacles.

the lyrics are:

And this is a playlist with some of my favorite mantras.

Write A Poem

a vintage illustration of a woman writing she is holding a book and a pen

Poetry is a beautiful way into your own heart. It’s an exquisite and delicate inner dance and I invite you to trust yourself and your spirit and write something beautiful today.

Maybe you’ve always found joy in writing or maybe you’ve never saw yourself as someone good with words, it truly doesn’t matter. Just take a moment, get your favorite pen and a few pieces of paper and see what happens. What words come to you? 

 You will be amazed at how your soul speaks trough you while you write. Let go into the words, you be the channel of grace and just let any form and structure flow from you. Empty your mind, take a pen and just flow on paper. It’s a conversation with your soul. That’s all. 

It helps if you do it after a meditation practice or workout when your mind is clear. I feel like any form of art expression is a form of channeling, of grace flowing trough you. If you have questions, take them to the paper. Ask poetically 🙂 and see the verses that flow. Keep it short and simple, sometimes a small paragraph might do it. Or if you want to fill up the whole page with a long immersion into this energy by all means.

I am just saying, talk to your spirit. Poetry is just another way of doing that and you might find yourself in some really beautiful spaces. This isn’t about you becoming a poet, it’s about you being honest and letting yourself go on a white piece of paper. Do a haiku or an odyssey but tell your story with new and inspired words. That will heal your heart greatly.

It doesn’t have to rhyme or look good, it just have to sound true when you write it. No one else has to read it, it’s for you and you will get clarity and answers to your most ardent questions if you do it for a while.  I promise you will feel connected to your own heart and your whole day will shine with the beauty that you uncover while letting go in this poem of yours. Enjoy.