Tag Archives: peace

Spiritual Awakening Process and Meditation

Supreme Lord Buddha in a deep state of pure love emanating light and bringing joy to the whole world

Spiritual awakening process…there’s no dignity to it. You will feel so silly and always under the waves. It’s the most humbling you will ever feel again and again, it destroys all your ego spells you may be under and you’ll be nothing but clumsy, silly, and you’ll be feeling very  lost  and not like your old self while you embark on your spiritual wake journey. Sure the end result is great wisdom and you will have great big moments of clear but it’s so mixed up with moments of utter confusion that it’s best you don’t let that hard earned wisdom get to your head. It takes about 10 years for the light to settle in, for a spiritual seeker to gain some spiritual maturity and for them to start feeling more comfortable in this whirlwind of great energy.

So meditation helps with that, immensely. You will still struggle and you will make so many mistakes, but having quiet time everyday makes it somehow less sad. That’s it. That why you meditate, to make yourself less sad while you go trough seriously sad things. 

You will be gasping for air while you go trough the dark night of the soul and having a solid spiritual practice is a way to breathe. Thing is that while you’re on fire and goring trough hard things, you won’t really want to do high level practices. You can’t have a two hour meditation session every day while your whole life is upside down. You will want to focus on making that life better, doing things to fix it. That’s the paradox, you can’t. The more you will do the more it will fall apart and it will break your heart in pieces again and again. This is when the only thing , THE ONLY THING that will make you feel better will be sitting in a quiet space for a while by yourself while your mind settles and your heart opens and you feel the light. A nature walk o a dance session, spending time getting lost in something bigger than you is the best medicine for all your troubles.

You become a stranger in your own life and the only thing that makes sense is that incredible beauty that woke you up a while ago and keeps shinning trough all the mess. And there’s hope that when the clouds clear, and they will , you will be left with this beauty of yours and you will be free and peaceful within your own little world and life will feel kind and sweet.

So if you feel that you are waking up , that it has already began for you. I suggest that instead of trying to compensate for everything that is going wrong, you meditate, a lot, way more than you already are. You have to let your old life go, all things that truly matter to you will remain but you are changing and becoming new and you need clarity and light to take you there. So please, take good care of your energy by doing things that make you feel good. Anything that wakes up your spirit in you, do more of that and less of the things that don’t. 

You don’t need to drop everything at once, don’t quit your job ….yet. But slowly and gently do more of what you truly love to do. The arts….what is your favorite form of making pretty things? Do you love to cook, do you love nature, do you love music? So many things can be a meditation and a way to go deeper within your spirit. And you need at least 5 a day. 5 different way to dwell in your inspiration.

It can be a session of light exercise,  making a drawing, doing a ritual of clearing the house, a purifying bath , reading something deeply spiritual, chanting a mantra, an actual meditation. I like to sing and moving my body is super important to me. I cannot go without a serious qi gong practice everyday. I need it to function.
If I don’t do these things, I get stuck,  things around don’t flow like they usually do. I am less inclined to like things, I am more moody and anxious. I get upset more easily. If I don’t nurture my connection to spirit, my life is less beautiful. 

That’s why having a meditation practice matters. It’s your way back home. It’s who you really are. Those glimpses of light, that’s you and why wouldn’t you want to get back to that perfect light again and again. Walk the path with grace. Keep your head up. You are beyond extraordinary and your beauty shines trough all you do every day. I see you and trust me , you will be happy and wise. Dare to awaken and become your highest , sweetest, funniest , kindest version of yourself.

Lots of love!

Big hug!



mercy poetry abstract mandala illustration

The desire for the land of peace

The land of solitude and serene steps

I arrive there and my dragon eats me

And spits me and then eats me again

My bliss, my enlightenment

Is a nightmare, it’s a torment

My peaceful ambitions are severed

And instead I arrive in a hotness

In a hot mess that becomes my home

I move in with a monster and the monster

Is me. I eat my tail for breakfast

And at dinner I eat all of my dreams.

There’s nothing left in this chaos

I keep losing everything

Yet my smile keeps shinning

On my face like a grin

My eyes shine from the fire

My feet dance out of fear

My life is surrendered completely

To a God that has mercy

But not on the weak.


ducks poetry abstract illustration art

My greatest accomplishment

Was lower or higher than 

A pebble or a soft whispered wind

Does my life impress ducks

I don’t think they see me

And all my struggles

They see grass, they see water

Not some wild tiny matter

They see beauty they feel peace

I am hungry and restless

My feet are pacing looking for meaning

While the ducks are swimming gently

On the sweet waves of cooling lake water

That loves them just like it loves me.